Friday, January 27, 2012

Gifts for Expecting Moms

So, I have started to put together a gift basket for a friend for when she DOES get pregnant. :-) I don't think she reads my blog, so I think I'm safe. BUT I thought it would be fun to share! I have noticed since getting pregnant that when people give me gifts or presents they are not really for me, but for the baby! lol I think it is super sweet of them, but it definitely got me thinking that this begins my life of nothing being for me. :-) Sighhhhhhhhhhh

At least this gives me some perspective on what I should do for other people.

So, from now on I will give my friends that are pregnant gifts for THEM!

My gift basket for my mystery friend will include:

  • Preggatini's Recipe Book

  • Spa Gift Card

  • Foot soaking solution

  • Belly Band

  • Organic Belly Lotion

  • Tummy sooothing snacks

  • Tylenol

  • 12 Hours in 12 weeks book

  • Organic Shampoo & Conditioner

I'm sure I'll find some more fun stuff to include! But its a start!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 18

Head to rump, your baby is about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and he weighs almost 7 ounces. He's busy flexing his arms and legs — movements that you'll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead. His blood vessels are visible through his thin skin, and his ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from his head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around his nerves, a process that will continue for a year after he's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If you're having a boy, his genitals are noticeable now, but he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


At first I thought I was going to have a terrible 9 months without sushi, but then I realized there are TONS of rolls that I can still have while pregnant! You just have to stay away from RAW fish. Cooked fish (tempura shrimp, lobster, crab, eel) are safe and vegetable rolls are safe!

I went to eat sushi, this past weekend, with a friend and we both noticed there were TONS of options! She even said she didn't miss the fish at all. Which made me feel good! :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Funny Stuff!

Okay, I just wanted to share with you what I find absolutely hysterical at work. People that do not know that I am pregnant, no longer look me in the eyes when talking to me! They talk to my belly!!!!!!!!!! It's like they are too scared to ask me if I am pregnant (with good reason)! I love it! I usually tell them at the end but I get a chuckle out of our entire conversation until then! :-)

14 Week Sonogram Pictures

I finally got around to scanning the 14 week sonogram pictures. My favorite is his little hand! :) Next week we'll have the 3D sonogram pictures!

First Prenatal Massage

So, yesterday I had my first prenatal massage! AND I'm in love. I'm going to try to do this once a month until I give birth because I definitely had a lot of tension in my neck and back.

I went to Massage Envy and I signed up for their membership plan which really is a great deal!

The difference in this massage and other massages is that you lay on your side, hugging a body pillow. I was a little skeptical how this could be as relaxing a regular massage, but it was fine. The massage you receive is a Swedish massage, which I do love. I had her solely concentrate on my neck, back, and shoulders. The lady did say there are lots of trigger points in your legs that can induce labor.

Anyways, I highly recommend it for any preggers friends! :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Siri, every pregnant girl's best friend.

So, my memory was already shot pre-pregnancy. As of a result of "pregnancy brain", I am even more lost!

Here steps in Siri. She is the new personal assistant app exclusive to the iPhone 4s. My favorite feature of this app is the location based reminders. I can't tell you how often I have said, "Siri, remind me when I get home to _________" OR "Siri, remind me when I get to work to _______." She uses your location to determine where you are. You can set this up in your profile: the addresses for your home or work and you can have her learn other locations as well. Its.Amazing.

You can ALSO have her remind you at certain times of the day of something. Seriously, this really is perfect for my lack of memory. :)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Week 17

Don't look now, but... your baby is EVEN bigger, cuter, AND smarter than last week!

Yes ma'am, your fantastic little bean stalk has added yet another half inch to their overall height - making them nearly half a foot long!

Their little limbs have nearly reached their proper proportions and will continue to grow evenly with the rest of the body from here on out.

They're now becoming capable of hearing and reacting to sounds even though their ears are not yet structurally complete or fully functional.

Meanwhile, different parts of your mini-Einstein's astonishingly complex brain are developing to process your little one's hearing and other senses, (you know, sight, smell, taste and touch).
Mind boggling factoid of the week: if you're having going to have a little girl, her ovaries have already produced millions of primordial egg cells, which, within a few weeks, will develop into actual eggs! Phew… just wait till she's a teenager eh?

He's the size of a red onion this week!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Best Aunt EVER!

Aunt Pooh bought me the Coach Diaper bag!!! yayayayayayayayayayayayaya! I think she knows her nephew-in-law very well and knew he wasn't going to buy it for me. :-)

Thank you so much Aunt Pooh!

Birthing Class Booked

Okay, I signed Ross & I up for our birthing class! This should be interesting! It is about a month before we are suppose to give birth, so hopefully I can retain the information. :-)

This is what we are suppose to learn:

A childbirth class is a great way to prepare for labor and birth. The typical class includes up to eight weekly sessions and consists of lectures, discussion, and exercises, led by a trained childbirth instructor.

While approaches vary, the goal is to provide you with information to minimize your fears and help you make informed decisions. You'll also learn techniques to help you relax and cope.
Most hospitals offer classes, or you can take one through an independent instructor or organization. Classes range from intensive courses that begin early in pregnancy and continue through the postpartum period to one-shot refresher sessions.
Classes should cover:

  • The signs of labor

  • The normal progress of labor and birth

  • Techniques for coping with pain

  • How your partner can help you during labor

  • When to call your doctor or midwife

In addition, they generally cover some of the more common childbirth complications and how they might be handled. Most will show videos of both a vaginal birth and a c-section.
Classes should also teach the basics of breastfeeding and newborn care. (If you'd like more detail about nursing and baby care, you can generally find separate in-depth classes on these topics. Early pregnancy classes are usually available as well.)

Friday, January 13, 2012


Just like a honeymoon is a relaxing time to spend with your hubby after a hectic wedding and before the daily routine of married life begins, a babymoon is a vacation you take before the arrival of the baby. The purpose of a babymoon is to give us one last relaxing vacation before our vacations involve Disney World and revolve around our little guy's interest. :)

I think I know what weekend, President's Day weekend. That way, I don't have to take as much time off from work and it is in our second trimester. Doctors advise you not to travel during your third trimester.

Soooooooooooooo where to go!

We don't want to spend a lot of money because we have so much to buy for the baby! But we want to have a nice relaxing time. Really, I can't do much. :-( I pretty much can lay out, swim, and snorkel. I am usually the most active person on our vacations. I love being adventurous and para sailing, zip lining, swimming with sea turtles, jet skiing, taking hard hikes, really you name it and I will do it!

Choice 1. Take a Cruise

We have only been on one cruise but LOVED it. They are so inexpensive and all the food is free! Alcohol isn't but since that isn't a problem for me I am thinking this option is more and more the way to go. We loved the excursions you could sign up for but of course I can still snorkel and if we port in a city, we can just explore!

Choice 2. Bahamas

This place is relatively inexpensive if you compare it to other destinations and a fairly easy flight. I haven't found an option for under $3,000 so that's a bit of a bummer but I'm looking at some options of shortening our stay a bit.

Choice 3. Key West

This was Ross' idea. At first I wasn't thrilled about it because you DRINK in Key West. I mean, don't get me wrong I LOVE Key West but I would be scared I would feel left out with all the drunk people. I could still go snorkeling though and just lay by the pool. Key West is definitely not known for their beach.

Choice 4. A Sandals Resort

I have always wanted to do an all inclusive resort but I just don't think now is the time. I had heard from a friend that the Sandals she went to let her have an alcohol credit because she was pregnant. I emailed a couple of the Sandals and they all said no to this. :-( So, I'm not sure it is worth the price.

Choice 5. ???????

Email me with a suggestion!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Preppy Baby

So, as anyone close to Ross and I know I dress my husband. Well, I pick out the clothes he should buy or buy them for him. He is getting better about picking out clothes for himself, recently but I think he just knows to stick to JCrew or Banana and he's safe. ;-)

Anyways, I'm sure you can guess that I will dress my little man in VERY similar outfits. :-) Who knows, I might even be able to get a matching outfit to Ross! :)

Boy clothes aren't as cute as girl clothes, but I did find some super cute ones below! I can't wait to prep this kid out! :-)

(I'm pretty sure Ross has this exact outfit, above)

Prenatal Screening

During our 16 week check up, I had blood drawn to check for birth defects in the baby. I got the results today and we are NEGATIVE! yay!!! :)

Even if this test does come back positive, it doesn't definitely mean your baby has birth defects, they would just send you to a specialist to do a sonogram and check for abnormalities.

The main one this test checks for is down syndrome (trisomy 21) in which the baby has an extra chromosome.

They not only look at your blood work results, but also look at your medical history. This information is used to interpret the test results and includes any history of diabetes, your race, age, weight, and the number of weeks you have been pregnant.

Ross said he wasn't worried, but of course I was. :-) So, I'm relieved to make it past this and ready for my next hurdle which is the 20 week marker. The technician that did our sonogram said that if you make it to 20 weeks, you are good to go in your pregnancy! :-)


Of these two books, I'm all for the first one! Ross and I are in this alone and I love the Step-by-Step Plan! Tell me exactly what I need to do!!!!!!!!!

Baby Wise is also a great book, but Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old I think is the one for me.

"Babies need it, parents want it-- the call for a good night’s sleep has parents everywhere looking for a solution like this: an easy-to-follow plan from a renowned baby sleep specialist that delivers on the promise of its title. There is no bigger issue for healthy infants than sleeping through the night. In this simple, straightforward book, Suzy Giordano presents her amazingly effective "Limited- Crying Solution" that will get any baby to sleep for twelve hours at night—and three hours in the day—by the age of twelve weeks old.

Giordano is the mother of five children and one of the most sought-after baby sleep specialists in the country. The Washington Post calls her a baby sleep "guru" and "an underground legend in the Washington area for her ability to teach newborns how to achieve that parenting nirvana: sleeping through the night." Her sleep plan has been tested with singletons, twins, triplets, babies with special needs, and colicky babies—and it has never failed.

Whether you are pregnant, first-time parents, or parents who seek a different path with your second or third child, anyone can benefit from the Baby Coach’s popular system of regular feeding times, twelve hours of sleep at night and three hours of sleep during the day, and the peace of mind that comes with taking the parent and child out of a sleep- deprived world."

"The infant management concepts presented in this book have found favor with over two million parents and twice as many contented babies. On Becoming Babywise brings hope to the tired and bewildered parents looking for an alternative to sleepless nights and fussy babies. The Babywise Parent Directed Feeding concept has enough structure to bring security and order to your baby's world, yet enough flexibility to give mom freedom to respond to any need at any time. It teaches parents how to lovingly guide their baby's day rather than be guided or enslaved to the infant's unknown needs. The information contained within On Becoming Babywise is loaded with success. Comprehensive breast-feeding follow-up surveys spanning three countries, of mothers using the PDF method verify that as a result of the PDF concepts, 88% breast-feed, compared to the national average of only 54% (from the National Center for Health Statistics). Of these breast-feeding mothers, 80% of them breast-feed exclusively without a formula complement. And while 70% of our mothers are still breast-feeding after six months, the national average encourage to follow demand feeding without any guidelines is only 20%. The mean average time of breast-feeding for PDF moms is 33 1/2 weeks, well above the national average. Over 50% of PDF mothers extend their breast-feeding toward and well into the first year. Added to these statistics is another critical factor. The average breast-fed PDF baby sleeps continuously through night seven to eight hours between weeks seven and nine. Healthy sleep in infants is analogous to healthy growth and development. Find out for yourself why a world of parents and pediatricians utilize the concepts found in On Becoming Babywise."

JCrew 10% off + Free Shipping

Okay, another little known secret of mine...

If you sign up for JCrew's email on their website, the next day they will send you a 10% off + free shipping promo code! The code is only for 1 time use but can be applied to non-sale items. They have tons of promo codes for sale items, but non-sale items are RARE.

After you receive your items, I suggest just unsubscribing to their emails and when you need 10% off again, just subscribe again!

Happy shopping!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Space Nursery

I decided on the space nursery. I have ordered the art for the room and I am super excited because I found this star map for $30 marked down from $90 at Pottery Barn Kids!


So, just now I felt our bundle of joy kick for the first time. It was only 3 little "pops" but it felt like popcorn popping inside of my stomach! How exciting! It was on my right side only, but felt pretty great to know he is letting me know he is in there!

Baby Bennett

Last night we went out to dinner with our CV circle friends and Gena & Nate brought their brand new baby, Bennett! He is 5 days old in this picture but Ross braved his tininess and held him for a long time! I think he is ready!

My Little Jedi

I received this super cute maternity shirt from Brad, Mel, Brady, and Barrett the other day and thought I would share with you! Obviously Ross loves Star Wars so its perfect for my bump! Thank ya'll! Love you!

"The Force is Strong With This One"

16 Week Doctor's Visit

Yesterday we had our 16 week (4 months) doctor's visit. It went really well! :)

I have actually lost 3 lbs. Usually people have gained 5 lbs by now so I'm looking at it as a negative 8 lbs. :)

I'm just trying to eat better food and I think no alcohol and tons of water have also contributed to my weight loss. I know I HAVE to gain pounds during pregnancy but because I have inherited my family's horrible metabolism, I'm trying to be good about exercising and food. :)

So, one cool thing we did was record the baby's heart beat at our visit. I swear, it is music to my ears...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

10% off always at Pottery Barn

Okay, so I know a lot of my friends know of my secret, but for anyone that doesn't here it is:

At and if your registry date passes you get 10% off anything on your registry. Now, you can also add things after your registry has ended AND if you are in store and see something you must have, you can also add them right there and get the 10% off for 6 months after your date.

Say what you will, but I think this idea is brilliant. ;-)

I created a fake birth date of January 4, 2012 and was able to get 10% off my dresser which comes to $80 off. That definitely helped towards the astronomical price of delivery!

But as the 6 month expiration date approaches, I just change the date again so that I always get 10% off. :-)

10% isn't a lot, but its something!

The Perfect Diaper Bag

So, I haven't convinced Ross yet..... but there is plenty of time from now until Valentine's Day... :-) But isn't this Coach Diaper bag awesome?! Here are the reasons I need this:

  1. I need a diaper bag.

  2. I love coach.

  3. It comes with a MATCHING coach changing pad!!!!

  4. It matches my purse. Not just that my purse is coach, but it has the tan CC all over it.

  5. It has baby blue for a boy.

  6. I want it.

  7. It is under $300. ($298)

  8. I have given up Starbucks Ice Coffees, sushi, wine, bubble baths, and snowboarding this season.

  9. I can't name my son my dream name of Jackson.

  10. Ross can NOT get me flowers and use that money towards this.

  11. Are you reading my blog, Ross? Bc these are all good reasons!

Week 16

How your baby's growing:

Get ready for a growth spurt. In the next few weeks, your baby will double his weight and add inches to his length. Right now, he's about the size of an avocado: 4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. His legs are much more developed, his head is more erect than it has been, and his eyes have moved closer to the front of his head. His ears are close to their final position, too. The patterning of his scalp has begun, though his locks aren't recognizable yet. He's even started growing toenails. And there's a lot happening inside as well. For example, his heart is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood each day, and this amount will continue to increase as your baby continues to develop.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Yay! Thanks to my parents offering to help towards the dresser as well as my hubby budgetting, I ordered my first piece of furniture for the nursery! :) It's pictured above.

Right now I have a nice huge pile of stuff in the middle of the room from gifts people have given me as well as free stuff I have gratefully accepted! I am a bit of an organizational freak (which is kind of an under statement) so this pile is driving me CRAZY. At least when I get the dresser I can have somewhere to put these things!

PLUS this will be an incentive for Ross to paint the nursery before the furniture comes.


The Bump has arrived.

Every picture I take of myself in my house has a cat in it. They stalk me.

To work or not to work, that is the question.

So, after an extremely heated conversation with my mother-in-law, I decided this was a fantastic topic on my blog.

My mother in law is a stay at home mom with no kids... to be specific her kids have been out of the house now for 15 years. So, obviously you know where she stands on this.

I say, to each their own. Each person has a different personality and perspective on this, so why would you judge anyone for what decision they make? There are benefits to both and negatives to both.

I have decided to go back to work after the FMLA covered 12 weeks. Currently, we have a newly built house and will have new expenses for a child that we didn't have before. So, I do not see an option for me to stay home right now. I make more in a week than I could spend on daycare and I will be able to help provide for my child so that hopefully he has a better life than I did. Which, I'm pretty sure is every parent's goal for their child.

I think my sister-in-law said it best when she said, its easier to go back to work immediately and see if it works than quit and not be able to find full time employment when you need it. If it doesn't work out with times, I can look at possible part time options here.

My mother-in-law just kept saying that she doesn't think its right to have someone else raise your child. I, myself, do not see a daycare provider as raising my child. I believe that is still my responsibility to instill my values and teach them right and wrong. My daycare provider would of course be nurturing, but in an ideal situation it will be much like a learning environment (like school). I would hope other parent's do not think when they send their child to preschool that the teacher is then raising their child. Studies have shown, children who are in quality daycare have increases in cognitive skills, intellect, social skills and social comfort.

What blows my mind most of all about this topic is the sexism it places in favor of men. Men are never EXPECTED to be stay at home dads and what infuriates me is that men are not looked at as being uncaring or neglectful because they miss their child's first step due to working.

These are just my thoughts, right or wrong. I was very upset over the conversation this past weekend and was hoping writing down my thoughts would help me get over it. We'll see! :-)

When you are pregnant everyone is SO opinionated about everything you should do or not do. I say, keep your opinions to yourself. Let someone research for themselves if they should color their hair or go organic or stay at home. Our personalities are different and what is ok for one person, isn't ok for another.

Friday, January 6, 2012

1/2 Green Tea, 1/2 Lemonade

The best kept secret Panera Bread has is the 1/2 green tea, 1/2 lemonade. It is not on the menu, but if you ask for it, it is made. This is what I am craving 24/7. Its delish!


Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Little Boarder

This is a picture of my little boy at age 6. Obvioulsy I got a time machine and found him 6 years in the future! :) I plan as soon as he can walk to get him on the bunny slope. He can then teach his dad how to carve correctly! :-) <3 you honey!

Seriously though, he's going to be the next Shaun White (but way better looking).

The Perfect Baby Monitor

Okay, so with technology today we knew there had to be something out there for us to be able to see the baby with our many apple devices that we have! And today I have found it! + WiFi Baby HD App from iTunes Store = Amazing!!!!

I'm hoping I don't become a crazy parent, but you never know! I think its absolutely the coolest thing on the planet that we could leave our son with a babysitter and still be able to see him on video from our date night. ;-)

The price is $279 for 1 camera and the APP is $8, but I believe its worth it for the convenience. They do have a 30 day money back return policy, so if its not what you thought it was going to be, you can return it!

I think I'm sold though! :-)

Week 15

Your growing baby now measures about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weighs in at about 2 1/2 ounces (about the size of an apple). He's busy moving amniotic fluid through her nose and upper respiratory tract, which helps the primitive air sacs in his lungs begin to develop. His legs are growing longer than his arms now, and he can move all of his joints and limbs. Although his eyelids are still fused shut, he can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, he's likely to move away from the beam. There's not much for your baby to taste at this point, but he is forming taste buds.

Ossification begins this week. This means that the mini bones in your baby's body will begin hardening. The face is becoming more defined with each passing day and he is gaining weight and length quickly!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


So, I was all prepared for my nautical little baby and then I saw this:

Is that not the cutest art in the entire world for our little NASA baby? UGHHHHHH Its $150 for everything including the matting and frames! That is a friggin AWESOME deal! I have a really tough decision to make very soon. :-(

If I do decide to go this route, has some of the best space decor! (see below) They use to sell a solar system baby mobile but it looks as if they no longer carry it... but I know someone that has it and maybe they would be willing to part with it! :-)

Obviously I know which nursery theme Ross will pick.... ;-)

For My Michelle

Hi Michelle! :-)

So, my oooooooold (well not TOO old) friend Michelle is just a few weeks behind me with a bun in the oven! It's great being pregnant together because its given us an excuse to talk more! <3 Michelle and I met each other in middle school and have been to Europe and Venezuela together singing in a cheesey little group. BUT we have great memories together because of it. :-)

Michelle has only given me the details that she thinks she wants a room with a white chair rail and mint green paint. She doesn't know the sex yet so these ideas are neutral, but honestly I love neutral! :-) I believe you get less tired of decor if you stay neutral with the basics and then you can just change out the accent pieces!

This green is called "Calm Green by Kilex" I think in the picture its a great green! But If you are thinking about green in the bedding as well, I would recommend selecting your bedding first then matching the paint green to your bedding.

This bedding is from Serena and Lily ( In the Nursery Basics-Sprout collection. I LOVE their bedding! I mean, ADORE them. They are so classy and yet you are able to pair it with fun art and make it completely what you want. Their Sprout collection has several different fitted sheets that would fit the green look.
I thought this pillow was so perfect for this look. This is from Again, I am staying neutral here, but you can change the theme so easily with both paint that is above and the bedding.

This art I also found on etsy ( These are 8x10 prints that sell for $14 each. I honestly would recommend writing the seller and asking if she could print them in 5x7 prints and charge you less. I would then get the entire alphabet and frame them for an awesome wall display. If that is too pricey, I would either do like the picture above or pick your favorites!

Yes, this idea is so fun to me! I was going to do this if I hadn't picked a nautical theme for my nursery. I think its pretty cute with the shelves worked into the decal, but has TONS of different tree decals. PLUS you aren't limited to the colors you see in this picture or any of the ones on the site. You can change the color of the tree, the animals, or the leaves!

Okay, these are just my quick ideas for Michelle! Maybe once she knows the sex and has a better idea of her theme, I'll post some more ideas!

Missing Mr. Bubbles

ughhhhhhh..... I did have another man in my life..... and his name was Mr. Bubbles. I've had to give him up as well as everything else I love (sushi, wine, snowboarding). I swear, as soon as I get home from the hospital with my new love I am going to have a glass of wine, soak in the bathtub while eating sushi.!

I know, I know... you can still take baths while pregnant but it has to be in tepid water. Now, who the hell wants to soak in luke warm water? I tried the taking a thermometer and seeing what 102 degrees felt like. Weirdly, it's cold! Our bodies are about 98 degrees themselves so 4 degrees hotter isn't anything to write home about. It's not enjoyable at all and the water just gets colder and colder as you sit there. In another words, no thank you!

If you are just thinking I'm a crazy person, her is what the American Pregnancy Association has to say about it:

What is the concern with hot tubs during pregnancy?

According to the Organization of Teratology Information Services (OTIS), a body temperature of 101º F and above can raise concerns during pregnancy. Some studies have shown an increased risk of birth defects in babies of women who had an increased body temperature during the first trimester of pregnancy.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) states that becoming overheated in a hot tub is not recommended during pregnancy. ACOG also recommends that pregnant women never let their core body temperature rise above 102.2º F.

Although the specific degree differs, both OTIS and ACOG attest to the concern related to hot tub use during pregnancy.

Hot tubs are often factory programmed to maintain a water temperature of approximately 104º F. It takes only 10-20 minutes in a hot tub to raise your body temperature to 102º F or higher. To maintain a steady temperature, water is circulated and re-circulated through the hot tub to pump out cold water and pump in hot water.


Okay, so in my last post I spoke about

Here are some of my favorites when I searched for Nautical Nursery: