Monday, January 9, 2012

To work or not to work, that is the question.

So, after an extremely heated conversation with my mother-in-law, I decided this was a fantastic topic on my blog.

My mother in law is a stay at home mom with no kids... to be specific her kids have been out of the house now for 15 years. So, obviously you know where she stands on this.

I say, to each their own. Each person has a different personality and perspective on this, so why would you judge anyone for what decision they make? There are benefits to both and negatives to both.

I have decided to go back to work after the FMLA covered 12 weeks. Currently, we have a newly built house and will have new expenses for a child that we didn't have before. So, I do not see an option for me to stay home right now. I make more in a week than I could spend on daycare and I will be able to help provide for my child so that hopefully he has a better life than I did. Which, I'm pretty sure is every parent's goal for their child.

I think my sister-in-law said it best when she said, its easier to go back to work immediately and see if it works than quit and not be able to find full time employment when you need it. If it doesn't work out with times, I can look at possible part time options here.

My mother-in-law just kept saying that she doesn't think its right to have someone else raise your child. I, myself, do not see a daycare provider as raising my child. I believe that is still my responsibility to instill my values and teach them right and wrong. My daycare provider would of course be nurturing, but in an ideal situation it will be much like a learning environment (like school). I would hope other parent's do not think when they send their child to preschool that the teacher is then raising their child. Studies have shown, children who are in quality daycare have increases in cognitive skills, intellect, social skills and social comfort.

What blows my mind most of all about this topic is the sexism it places in favor of men. Men are never EXPECTED to be stay at home dads and what infuriates me is that men are not looked at as being uncaring or neglectful because they miss their child's first step due to working.

These are just my thoughts, right or wrong. I was very upset over the conversation this past weekend and was hoping writing down my thoughts would help me get over it. We'll see! :-)

When you are pregnant everyone is SO opinionated about everything you should do or not do. I say, keep your opinions to yourself. Let someone research for themselves if they should color their hair or go organic or stay at home. Our personalities are different and what is ok for one person, isn't ok for another.


  1. You will find with this (and many many many other child rearing issues) people want to give you their opinion even if you don't ask or make it clear you feel differently. You are the Mommy. You just do what feels right to you and the baby will be happy.

  2. Thanks Nikki! :) I need words of encouragement because sometimes I'm overwhelmed with opinions and I get overly defensive. :) It's a flaw. :) I am also happy to see you are a blogger too! I just started but I am having so much fun with it!
